Driving Early Checking Engagment for Long-Term Success

Your customers’ first 90 days can make or break their relationship with your financial institution. Without strong early engagement, nearly half of new checking accounts will close or become inactive. Join us on October 16th for a live webinar where we’ll dive into proven strategies to drive early and ongoing checking account engagement, ensuring deeper, more profitable long-term customer relationships. 
We’ll cover:

  • -The impact of early engagement on account longevity and customer value

  • -Proven tactics to drive direct deposit enrollment 

  • -Best practices for prompt debit card activation and how it influences future account activity

  • -Strategies to boost online and mobile banking activation

  • -Real-world examples of successful engagement campaigns you can implement 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how to turn checking account holders into loyal, long-term customers. 



Data-driven marketing, CRM, and compliance for banks and credit unions

We’ve helped over 500 banks and credit unions turn $1 into $5 with our data-driven marketing solutions. Our technology brings together all of your data, giving you powerful insight into every financial journey —so you can drive more effective engagement that deepens relationship value